LISS DTP vision

LISS DTP will train the next generation of research leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs who will transform the way social scientists tackle complex problems and global challenges. Our vision for the DTP is informed by three interwoven core principles:  

  •  Interdisciplinarity: students will develop the competencies to engage with challenge-led doctoral research across topics and disciplinary boundaries, both within and beyond the social sciences; 
  • Data-driven research: students will be equipped with enhanced data analytics and digital competences to exploit increasingly large-scale and complex data for research purposes whether their foundation is quantitative or qualitative; 
  •  Impact: students will develop the competences to engage with extensive networks of non-academic collaborators, and co-design research and training with users, practitioners, and potential future employers. 


      • develops and delivers a high-quality training programme by integrating different disciplinary specialisms into a heterogeneous training structure that fosters interdisciplinary social science research at the interface with the health sciences, engineering, the natural and mathematical sciences, and the humanities;
      • enriches students’ learning experience by offering flexible student-centered training that integrates conceptual and general research training with a rigorous and comprehensive programme of specialist training in qualitative, quantitative, computational, mixed, and digital methods;
      • promotes dignity and mutual respect in the ways students and staff work, and embeds Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) values and practices within the whole DTP by implementing inclusive recruitment and selection processes, widening participation of under-represented groups of students, promoting a positive research culture towards student retention and achievement, supporting student health and well-being, and strengthening professional development for supervisors; 
      • embeds Research in Practice as a core component of the doctoral experience by offering our students unique opportunities to co-design research and collaborate with practitioners in the public, business, and third sectors, and develop transferrable and leadership skills in preparation for future careers of all kinds; 
      • prepares students to lead complex, interdisciplinary, cross-sector, and impactful projects by offering opportunities to build academic networks across the partner institutions and beyond, and acquire the skills to innovate with data in response to global societal, economic, and environmental challenges; and 
      • contributes to continual improvement in social science doctoral training provision by engaging with the network of ESRC DTPs, sharing best practice, and promoting innovation. 


    About LISS  DTP

    About Liss

    Governance Structure

    Our team

    LISS DTP Team
