Research areas
RA1: Global Health Innovation
RA1 Leads: Prof. S. Harding (KCL); Prof. M.R. Jarvelin (ICL); Dr G. Russo (QMUL)
Focused on the complexity of population health and health systems at various levels of maturity across the globe. Topics include: the determinants of health and behavioural outcomes; health inequalities; effective, efficient, and sustainable health interventions in response to multidimensional crises; global and local markets for healthcare services; and reforming health systems and policies for universal health coverage.
Initial research themes:
- Physical and mental health over the life course
- Complex health interventions and health inequalities
- Environment, geopolitics, and health
- Health informatics and digital health
- Global health markets and systems
RA2: Business Analytics, Management, and Applied Economics
RA2 Leads: Dr D. Chilosi (KCL); Dr P. Demirel (ICL); Dr G. Demirel (QMUL)
Focused on social and economic processes in different types of organisations across industrial sectors, geographical regions, and over time. Topics include: international business and trade; global value chains; digital transformation; knowledge creation and diffusion; the work environment; social capital; and the entrepreneurial process.
Initial research themes:
- Strategy, analytics, and operations
- Globalisation, work, and development
- Social, economic, and financial networks
- Entrepreneurship and innovation
RA3: Language, Culture, and Education
RA3 Leads: Dr. Melissa Clackin (KCL); Dr Camille Kandiko Howson (ICL); Dr S.Holmes-Elliot (QMUL)- On Leave; Prof Colleen Cotter (Interim QMUL)
Focused on creative and cultural production, and the connections of language and discourse with the constitution of socio-cultural and political realities and identities. Topics include: global and local education policy; the use of language; the role of language and discourse in institutions, media, and everyday settings; and pedagogy and assessment.
Initial research themes:
- Language, mind, society, and cognition
- (Socio)linguistics, discourse, media, and culture
- Education, policy, and society
- STEM education
RA4: Environment and Sustainability
RA4 Leads: Dr Z. Shabrina (KCL); Dr A. Sivakumar (ICL); Dr G. von Graevenitz (QMUL)
Focused on ecological systems and their interactions with the built environment, human geography, policies, institutions, and practices. Topics include: urban politics; political ecology; struggles over
environmental resources; technologies and policies for sustainable environmental management; biodiversity protection; and climate change.
Initial research themes:
- Environmental analytics and engineering
- Evaluation of climate risk, innovations, and policies
- Urbanisation, social change, and urban transformation
- Political ecology, energy, and environmental health
RA5: Global Order and Security
RA5 Leads: Dr J. Marshall (KCL); Dr William Proud (ICL) ; Dr S. Plonski (QMUL)
Priorities focus on an inter-disciplinary and multi-scalar approach to understanding conflict, violence, order/disorder and security /insecurity in this contemporary moment. There is a particular interest in the approaches and methods that work to ‘disrupt the present’; to make visible the people, materials and systems that underwrite, produce and resist structures of violence. This requires paying particular attention to the ways empire, colonialism and racial capitalism structure global relations and exploring methods that open up the study of ‘global order’ to the voices and experiences of those often excluded but are nonetheless inherent to its making/unmaking, i.e. migrant, Indigenous and racialised communities in the Global North and Global South; working class, rural and poor communities and women, trans and queer communities. Working according to an ethics of care, students in this research area will be required to connect ideas of ‘the global’ to grounded-empirical inquiries.
Research Themes include (but are not limited to):
- Global (dis)order, violence, and (in)security
- Empire, colonialism and racial capitalism
- Marginalised knowledges, voices, experiences
- Global Solidarities, International Movements & Liberation Struggles
- International Studies, Global Politics and critical security studies
- Critical Approaches to International development
- Critical approaches to policing, border security and migration studies
RA6: Public Policy and Governance
RA6 Leads: Dr. Francesca Vantaggiatto (KCL); Dr N. Van Zalk (ICL); Dr A. Elliot-Cooper
Focused on how government and the public sector work, and how public services can be improved. Topics include: ways in which impact is measured; the ethics and practicalities of machine learning in policy; behavioural public policy design; global perspectives on government’s influence on behaviour; and the use of predictive analytics and large administrative datasets to assess likely outcomes of public interventions.
Initial research themes:
- Policy development and evaluation
- Machine learning and social data analytics for government
- Behavioural science, behaviour change, and public policy