Working with partners
Could your organisation benefit from having a PhD student work on your projects?
LISS DTP Studentships offer extensive collaborative opportunities for PhD students to carry out research jointly with non-academic partners through CASE studentships and placements.
Involvement of partners should be collaborative and add value to the studentship project while advancing the activity of the partner organisation. Collaboration enables organisations to access the talent of early career social science researchers to deliver a specific piece of work or contribute to an ongoing activity.
CASE scholarships: these last for the duration of the PhD programme and enables the academic supervisors to work closely with the non-academic partners to develop a research project.
Placements: organisations can host a PhD student on a placement for approximately 3 months. Placements aim to bring a fresh perspective to the partner’s organisation linking practice with the latest academic knowledge. If you are interested in hosting a PhD at your organisation, please complete this Placement Proposal Form
Partner Benefits
Our PhD students have secured a highly competitive ESRC LISS DTP studentship and therefore are among the top-performing junior scientists of the Social Sciences doctoral cohort. They have broad interests covering a variety of topics within the Social Sciences. They have excellent research skills, are capable of high-level critical thinking, and can analyse complex issues. Our students are set to become the world’s experts in their fields, using innovative techniques and with fresh ideas.
What our partners say
‘In the three months that [the student] was in the Climate Change and Health team at the UK Health Security Agency, she developed a research project that fit in with her expertise and was an area of work that the team has wanted to investigate for some time but has had limited resources to do so.’
– Climate Change and Health Group (UKHSA)
‘We have been delighted to offer an internship…at our department as part of the LISS-DTP programme over the past funding period, which yielded a greater understanding of the operationalisations of momentary resilience EMA measures and their validity in the context of our departmental research programme. The findings from this work have already been written up and will result in a publication led by [the intern] at the cutting-edge of current conceptualizations and operationalizations of resilience in mental health research.’
– Central Institute of Mental Health, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
LISS DTP works with organisations in academia, government, private and third sectors, including research intensive, policy-making, and corporate entities of a range of sizes. Examples of current and previous partner organisations include:
- Edge Foundation
- East End Trades Guild
- Rand Europe
- Lambeth Council
- University of Heidelberg
- Rethink
- World Health Organisation
- United Nations Sustainable Development Global Climate Action
- UK Health Security Agency
- Rowntree Foundation
- The Home Office
- Department for Work and Pensions
- UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence
If your organisation is interested in working with LISS DTP please contact or complete our Placement Proposal Form.