Amarachi Iheke

Amarachi Iheke

Thesis Title: Stimela, Beyond Metaphor: Activating radical reconciliatory imaginaries in Azanian (South African) sonic and poetic resistance practices Abstract: This paper addresses the centrality of aesthetic liberatory practices through sonic and poetic productions,...
Peiwen XIONG

Peiwen XIONG

Thesis Title: Can Chinese Firms Break Free from the US Hi-Tech Blockade? Investigating the New Era of Techno-Nationalist Globalization Abstract: We seem to be at the dawn of a new era of what some call techno-nationalist globalization, in which the national ownership...
Yixin Xu

Yixin Xu

Thesis Title: Political participation, representation, and women’s access to land in rural China Abstract: In China, rural women as a social group are disproportionately disadvantaged economically, especially in access to land. In rural China, land is collectively...
Hitesh Potdar

Hitesh Potdar

Thesis Title: Sustaining Livelihoods in the Gig Economy: A Case Study of Paid Domestic Workers and Their Crisis of Social Reproduction in India Abstract:The emergence of the platform economy or gig work notes a paradigm shift in nature of work marked with flexible...
Charlotte Bascaule

Charlotte Bascaule

Thesis title: Militarized national development in Brazil: origins and civil-military implications of the Brazilian military’s central role in domestic development activities. Abstract: In Brazil, the state has repeatedly turned to the military to handle domestic...

Lorraine Charbonnier

Thesis title: Farmer-herder conflicts as ‘contentious politics’ – The case of Fulani pastoralists in West Africa Abstract: First supervisor: Mats Berdal Pathway:10-International Development, Conflict & Human Security Cohort:...
Daniel Benson

Daniel Benson

Thesis title: How does Chinese Official Development Assistance impact the Official Development Assistance efforts of traditional and other emerging donors? Abstract: China has experienced miraculous socioeconomic transformation in the last four decades, most readily...

Ribka Metaferia

Thesis title: The Role of Ethnic and Religious Spatialities in Addis Ababa’s Urban Conflicts Abstract: Existing quantitative research suggests that armed conflicts are more likely to occur in countries where ethnic and religious identities overlap (Basedau et...

Gemma Mary Bowsher

Thesis title: Antimicrobial Resistance in Conflict – Mixed Methods Analysis of the MENA Region Abstract: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et purus a risus ultrices dapibus. Curabitur sit amet elit quis ipsum tincidunt dapibus vitae ac...
Felix Mantz

Felix Mantz

Thesis title: Decolonising Land Governance – Coloniality and Indigenous Knowledges in Tanzania Abstract: Addressing the global ecological crises is one of the most pressing issue in the world today. Dominant approaches to address these have failed and not only...

Rosie Rawle

Thesis title: Circuits of Global Labour Governance: Public Procurement and Labour Standards in the Global Electronics Industry (a CASE project with Electronics Watch) Abstract: The globalisation of supply chains has created a governance deficit concerning working...

Jennifer Bates

Thesis title: Insurgent feminism: women’s agency and feminist politics in the context of transition from war to peace in Colombia Abstract: Extant literature on gender, conflict and peace has consistently pointed to the (re)-marginalisation and de-politicisation of...