Isabelle de Roche

Thesis Title: Leading towards well-being of others and oneself in the digitalised workplace Abstract: Preserving and promoting employee well-being has become a prioritised agenda for organisations over recent years. Post-pandemic, organisations are settling into a...
Georgie Nightingall

Georgie Nightingall

Thesis Title: Improving organisational outcomes through weak ties: an investigation using behaviour settings Abstract: This research aims to enhance weak tie human connectivity outcomes through the application of behavior settings theory. Human connection is a vital...
Charlie Thomas

Charlie Thomas

Thesis Title: Thinking beyond the workplace Abstract: Historically, dockworkers and their representative trade unions have been involved in political processes that exceed the confines of the workplace, such as decolonisation and the Civil Rights Movement. This is in...
Achmad Amin

Achmad Amin

Thesis Title: Government by the People and Numbers: Assembling the Government of Rural Development through Commensuration Techniques and Participatory Budgeting. Abstract: My research aims to explore the way village development quantifications mediates rural...
Gabriella Stringer

Gabriella Stringer

Thesis title: The Maternal Body at Work Abstract: This research project examines the physical and mental impact of women’s experience of fertility, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding on employment, highlighting gaps in employer expectations and provision for...
Hafiza Sultana

Hafiza Sultana

Thesis title: Understanding the Role of Ecosystems in Frugal Innovation through a Gender and Social Network Lens Abstract: The objective of this research is to analyze frugal innovation ecosystems across the gender divide. In the first phase of the project (MRes),...

Rebecca Florisson

Thesis title: Path dependence in career mobility: The effect of precarious early work experience on career trajectories over the life course Abstract: First supervisor: Mark Williams Pathway:5-Work, Organisations & Business Management Cohort:...

Dara Leyden

Thesis title: The struggle for upgrading: A study of electronics global value chains in Thailand. Abstract: Global Value Chains (GVCs) have grown rapidly since 1990 to account for over half of world trade by 2008. GVCs are defined as stages of production that span...
David Graham

David Graham

Thesis title: Workplace Stress: a critical evaluation of strategies to understand and combat the stresses of working life Abstract: This project will explore the origins of the new prominence given to ‘workplace stress’. How has this phenomenon arisen? What...
Kallum Pembro

Kallum Pembro

Thesis title: Worker Organisation in the UK: A Taxonomy of Struggle in the ‘Gig Economy’ Abstract: The last few years have witnessed a notable shift in labour markets towards types of digital platform-mediated work that are further characterised by ‘self-employment’,...

Lucy Meechan

Thesis title: Information, Interaction and Interpretation in Museums and Galleries. Abstract: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et purus a risus ultrices dapibus. Curabitur sit amet elit quis ipsum tincidunt dapibus vitae ac erat. Integer...

Ilias Ioannou

Thesis title: If blockchain is the answer, what is the question? The legal and economic implications of using blockchain technology in container shipping Abstract: The project will examine the legal implications across the global supply chain of replacing paper...