Natasha Lock

Natasha Lock

Thesis Title: Unravelling the Political Utility of Enmity in Mao, Jiang and Xi’s China. Abstract: This research will examine the strategic uses of enemy discourse by focusing on the evolution of enmity under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). An enemy, as referred to...
Monika Gill

Monika Gill

Thesis Title: What is the nature of influence in Georgia and to what extent are social movement organisations able to develop alternative networks of influence in Georgia’s hybrid democracy? Abstract: Monika Gill is a Doctoral Researcher, based in the King’s Centre...
Amelie Stötzel

Amelie Stötzel

Thesis Title: Nuclear Hedging Narratives – How States Narrate their Nuclear Strategies Abstract: Nuclear Hedging, a nuclear strategy aiming at the development of nuclear capabilities with the intent to come close to but stop before nuclear weapon acquisition,...

Natalya Kovaleva

Thesis title: Jazz in US Public Diplomacy towards the USSR (1962-1971): Is Music an Effective Tool of Strategic Communications? Abstract: First supervisor: Neville Bolt Pathway:12-Strategic, Regional, & Security Studies Cohort:...
Orit Kopel

Orit Kopel

Thesis title: In the Face of Ethics: Police Use of Live Facial Recognition Technology Abstract: Live Facial Recognition (LFR) is an Artificial Intelligence technology based on mapping the faces of individuals in crowds by using real-time video imagery and extracting...
Annamaria Kiss

Annamaria Kiss

Thesis title: Understanding Russian Perceptions of Transnational Armed Mobilisation Abstract: Why would one join someone else’s civil war? Renewed interest in ’foreign fighters’ (FFs) as a form of transnational high-risk activism takes place in compartmentalised...

Chiara Libiseller

Thesis title: Tracing Ideational Change and Continuity in Concepts and Labels of War and Warfare in the North-Atlantic Area Since the End of the Cold War Abstract: The end of the Cold War has precipitated a shift in the Anglo-American field of Strategic Studies: it...
Lilly Pijnenburg Muller

Lilly Pijnenburg Muller

Thesis title: How is cybersecurity made? A socio-technical co-production Abstract: This thesis questions how threat perceptions shape future politics with focus on a new type of security, that of cybersecurity. Weaving together themes of security, technology and power...
Katherine Crofts-Gibbons

Katherine Crofts-Gibbons

Thesis title: The Response of Post-Soviet Central Asian Governments to Street Protest Abstract: My research seeks to understand how and why nondemocratic governments in former Soviet Central Asia respond to street protest, focusing on the choice to offer concessions,...

Luigi Scazzieri

Thesis title: The EU’s Responses to External Threats: Between Power and Institutions (Working Title) Abstract: Luigi’s research analyses the increasingly topical issue of the European Union’s responses to threats in its near abroad, assessing the...

Euan Carss

Thesis title: Trust in International Relations – a meaningful driver of EU external relations with MENA countries in security policy domains? Abstract: The concept of ‘trust’ has recently gained traction among scholars interested in cooperative relations between...

Kalina Damianova

Thesis title: Strategic ”castling” on Eurasia’s energy map: Russia’s natural gas strategy enhancement Abstract: Kalina’s PhD research argues that in the last two decades the complicated Eurasian energy dynamic has undergone a fundamental...