‘Critical Approaches to Spatiality in International Relations’ will take place on Thursday 20th March, 10:00-12:00 at Queen Mary University of London. We are delighted to be welcoming Aya Nassar from Durham University and Farai Chipato from the University of Glasgow to host the session, which will guide students of the humanities toward developing their own critical approach to political spatialities. Those interested in attending the workshop should email Anastasia Barclay (a.j.barclay@hss24.qmul.ac.uk) and Brunno Cunha (b.v.freitascunha@qmul.ac.uk) with their full name, affiliated institution, and research interests, along with a brief (~200 word) description of what they hope to get out of the workshop. The description is intended for Aya and Farai to tailor the workshop to participants’ interests.