LISS DTP Monthly Newsletters

November 2023



LISS DTP Newsletter      

November 2023      


  1. LISS DTP Winter Gathering 
  1. LISS DTP Open Forum   
  1. LISS DTP Parents and Carers group   
  1. LISS DTP ED&I Forum 
  1. Social Media Influencer Culture Workshop 
  1. Student mental health in crisis: what can we do about it? 
  1. Leeds Retention and Progression Workshop    
  1. LISS DTP Achievements 

London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership awarded multi-million ESRC funding!  

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has announced it will fund the LISS DTP for student intake from 2024 onwards.  

Building on the successful LISS DTP funded in 2017, this new award, led by Professor Pietro Panzarasa, will support five additional cohorts of talented PhD students across the three partner institutions. In total this flagship doctoral research and training programme will equip more than 600 LISS-funded research leaders and innovators (and at least as many junior scholars beyond LISS) with a strong capacity for working across disciplines and sectors and leveraging data to translate social science research into impact. More information on this exciting news can be found here. 


1.  LISS DTP Winter Gathering 

All LISS DTP students are invited to attend our annual gathering on Wednesday December 13th from 17:00 in the Exchange space.  

Please register your attendance here

The gathering will include a research poster competition by 2nd year PhD students followed by drinks and nibbles. 


2.  LISS DTP Open Forum 

The next LISS DTP Student Open Forum will be on November 15th at 13:00, if you have any questions or concerns about the DTP, this is a perfect opportunity to voice them 

Please register your attendance, and any questions you may have here

All LISS students are encouraged to attend and calendar invitations will follow registration. 

We hope to see you there!   


3. LISS DTP Parents and Carers group 

The Parents and carers group welcome any new members from the new cohort  

  • Building Resilience workshop for researchers who are parents/carers (4 sessions across November and December)  

Please let me know if you are interested in becoming a member of the group and attending the sessions. 


4.LISS DTP ED&I Open Forum 

The next LISS DTP ED&I Open Forum will be on November 23rd at 15:30 please register your attendance, and any questions you may have here

All LISS students are encouraged to attend and calendar invitations will follow registration. 

We hope to see you there!   


5. Social Media Influencer Culture Workshop 

Time: Wednesday 22nd November 2023, 2:30 pm -4.30 pm 

Location: REACH Space, 3rd Floor, Surrey Street East Wing, Strand Campus, King’s College London, WC2R 2LS 

Social media influencers play a pivotal role in shaping contemporary culture and society. They accumulate sizable followings by sharing personal lives, opinions or niche content on platforms such as TikTok (Douyin), Instagram, and YouTube. They can be aspirational, entertaining, or even controversial.  

In this two-hour workshop, you are invited to share your favourite influencers in an informal, group discussion, guided by a series of short activities and prompts. It is aimed to provide a reflexive space for sharing everyday encounters with influencer culture and together exploring the intricate aspects surrounding this phenomenon.  

The organisers, coming from different academic backgrounds (digital humanities, language and communication, media and culture), will contribute their expertise and research experience on influencer practices to support a critical and interdisciplinary dialogue. You will have the opportunity to delve into relevant issues including authenticity, relatability, attention economies, algorithms, gender and race, and commercialisation. No previous academic knowledge about influencers is required. 

There will be nibbles, drinks, screenings of interesting social media content, and the chance to network with like-minded people across faculties and institutions!  

Spaces are limited, so please register here as soon as possible. 

We hope to see you there! 

Rendan Liu, Wei Wei, and Lindsay Parker 


6. Student mental health in crisis: what can we do about it? 

Recent research by the Policy Institute has found the proportion of UK undergraduates facing mental health challenges has tripled in the last six years, while the long-term trend of declining suicide rates among young people is in reverse. 

So what can universities, charities and government do to address this? 

In this event, hosted in collaboration with the Nightline Association, we will hear from students, researchers, and from leaders who are engaged with this issue daily. 

We’ll hear about experiences on the ground, what the evidence tells us about how to make things better, and what action is needed to help young people thrive.  


Eliza Kozman, Deputy CEO, Transforming Access in Student Outcomes in Higher Education (TASO) 

Shivali Sharma, Nightline Association 

Michael Sanders, Director, Experimental Government Team, the Policy Institute at King’s College London 

You can find out more about this event, including how to register here


7. Leeds Retention and Progression Workshop 

Generation Delta have opened registration for their next free in-person 1-day workshop on Retention and Progression. At the workshop they will have senior academics as well as current doctoral students and early career researchers talk about what progression within a PGR programme involves, ways to address racial discrimination during PGR study, and institutional support and engagement opportunities for PGR students. More details in the flyer attached. 

The workshop will take place at the University of Leeds Cloth Hall Court on Tuesday 5th December 2023 (we will reimburse transport expenses up to £100 per attendee).  

Registration link: 


8.LISS DTP Achievements 

Constance Schere has published a new paper, resulting from my PhD internship with the Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (LPO, French partner of BirdLife International). This internship was funded by LISS-DTP in 2021 through the Internship scheme: 

Schéré, C.M., Schreckenberg, K., Dawson, T.P., Duval, C., Alban, F., Le Gentil, F., and Provost, P. (2023) ‘Examining stakeholder involvement in the context of top-down marine protected area governance: The case of the Sept-Îles National Nature Reserve (Brittany, France),’ Regional Studies in Marine Science, 67, pp. 1-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2023.103196 

Well done Constance! 



This newsletter is available on the LISS DTP website at: LISS DTP Monthly Newsletter – LISS-DTP       


Items for next newsletter: The LISS DTP team want to do more to help students disseminate information about events/activities they want to share with the rest of the cohort. If you have any items – Information and/or good news – to be included in our monthly newsletter, please send them to for the attention of Cairn Macfarland by the last day of the month to be included in the next newsletter. Be sure to include all details and we’ll include it in our next monthly circular! Newsletters will be sent in the first full working week of every month!