LISS DTP Monthly Newsletters

March 2024



LISS DTP Newsletter      

March 2024      


  1. LISS DTP Summer Symposium Date 
  1. LISS DTP third year students! 
  1. Update Student Profile on the website 
  1. 2024 LISS ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship competition 
  1. LISS DTP Open Forum 
  1. LINAS PGR Conference at Queen’s University Belfast  
  1. Generation Delta 1st PGR Network Conference for Black, Asian. And Minority ethnic women 
  1. LISS DTP Parent/Carer Group announcements 
  1. Invitation to VersaHealth Workshop on global health 
  1. Innovative Methods in Archival Research seminar 
  1. LISS DTP Achievements 

Happy Momen’s Day- 8th March! 


1.  LISS DTP Summer Research Symposium 

Please place a hold on your diaries! All LISS DTP Students are encouraged to attend! 

The LISS DTP Summer Symposium will take place at 9:30 -18:00 on Thursday the 6th of June at the KCL Strand Campus , all third year students will be expected to present their research! 

More information coming soon! 


2. LISS DTP third year students! 


All third year PhD students are expected to present at this years LISS DTP Summer Symposium, however we do of course understand if you have prior engagements, for example fieldwork or attending a previously booked conference.  

This year’s presentations will be in either of the following formats 


  1. Three minute lightning presentations, utilising three slides to illustrate 
  1. A ten-minute in-depth research presentation with a following 5 minutes to answer questions. 


Please indicate which type of presentation you would prefer and submit your 250 word abstract: Here by the 5th of April. 


Please let me know if you have any questions! 


3.  Update student profile on the LISS DTP Website 


If you wish to update your profile on the LISS DTP website, please submit a response below and I will update the website in April. (The Link 100% works now) 

Update form 

4.The 2024 LISS ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship competition is Open!  


Further details:  


Application deadline: 16.00 on 16 May 2024  

LISS DTP invites applications for ESRC-funded Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDFs) to commence from 1st October 2024 to be held at King’s College London, Queen Mary University of London, or Imperial College London. These fellowships are aimed at aimed at providing a career development opportunity for those in the immediately postdoctoral stage of their career, to provide the opportunity to consolidate their PhD through developing publications, their networks, and their research and professional skills.  

Fellowships will provide funding for up toone year full-time, or up to two years part-time to cover the fellow’s salary plus up to £10,000 for all other costs (e.g., travel, conference attendance, training, fieldwork, mentoring time, etc.). 


5.LISS DTP Open Forum 

The next LISS DTP Student Open Forum will be on March 20th at 13:00, if you have any questions or concerns about the DTP, this is a perfect opportunity to voice them  


Please register your attendance, and any questions you may have here.  


All LISS students are encouraged to attend and calendar invitations will follow registration.  


We hope to see you there!    


6. LINAS PGR Conference at Queen’s University Belfast 

The Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Network on Algorithmic Solutions’ conference ’The Automation Generation’ is taking place at Queen’s University Belfast on 22nd April, 2024. 

This student-led conference is primarily aimed at PhD students and early career researchers. We welcome abstract submissions that do not exceed 250 words. Please send your abstract to the following email address: 

Please include in the subject line of the email ‘Abstract Submission – LINAS Conference 2024.’The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday 16th February 2024. More information can be found here: LINAS (


7.Invitation to Generation Delta 1st PGR Network Conference for Black, Asian. And Minority ethnic women 

Please join us to have the opportunity to network with 70+ Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic women enrolled in doctoral studies at various English universities as well as senior academics. The purpose of the Gen Delta PGR Network is to provide a safe and supportive space to share information on scholarships, jobs, training etc. We are offering transport reimbursement up to £100 and catering of all meals during the conference. 

Date:  Wednesday 13th March 2024, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 
Venue: Creative Lounge, The Showroom Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2BX 



8.LISS DTP Parent/Carer Group announcements 

Time-Saving Tech Workshop  

Description: The LISS-DTP sported Parents/Carers Group will host a series of 5 online workshops to introduce participants to research-focused time-saving software such as Zotero, NVivo, and mind-mapping tools. Each session will be part demonstration (~1 hour) and part Q&A / troubleshooting (~30 minutes).  

Dates: Third Thursday of each month, March – July 2024.  

Participants: Maximum of 12 participants. Preference to be given to LISS-DTP students who are parents/carers.  

Please sign up here: 


9. Invitation to VersaHealth Workshop on global health  

We are thrilled to announce an upcoming VersaHealth workshop organized by PhD students from King’s College London, University of Vienna, and the University of Belgrade. We will discuss global health from various perspectives including epidemiology, law, ethics, social medicine, and the history of medicine.  

Event Details:  

– When: 3rd of April at 13.00  

– Where: Online and in-person @ Deanery main hall Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade  

For more details, including registration information and a detailed agenda, please visit the website:  


10. Innovative Methods in Archival Research seminar 

Advances in technology have changed the way we work with archival materials – from accessing materials remotely, to being able to better study fragile or incomplete materials, or using AI to process information, we now have more approaches and techniques at our disposal than we ever have before. 


If you are conducting archival research yourself, if you are working on technologies that enable archival research, or if you simply have an interest in the topic, the Doctoral College invite you to our Innovative Methods in Archival Research seminar to hear from our amazing guest speakers on the ways in which they are using innovative techniques in their archival research. 


Guest speakers: 

– Dr Ruth Ahnert: Living with Machines: In partnership with the British Library, this project leverages cutting edge, data-driven methods to study collections, for example, creating a 19th century language model – and playing games with it! 

– Dr Simon Dixon: The Jazz Digital Archives Project: This project uses state of the art music information retrieval and artificial intelligence algorithms for the analysis of jazz recordings and linked data to enable novel approaches to co-creative use of materials in the archival collections of the Institute of Jazz Studies and Scottish Jazz Archive. 

 - Dr Eyal Poleg: Hidden in Plain Sight: This project employs a range of innovative technologies, from 3D microscopy and Micro-CT scanning to DNA analysis and Xray Florescence to explore how ancient books were used, modified and venerated. 


When: April 17, 10:00-13:00 


Where: Location is still to be confirmed and will most likely be the Tower Hamlets Library and Archives, which is right next to the G.E. Fogg building on the Mile End Queen Mary campus. 

11.LISS DTP Achievements 

LISS DTP PhD Candidates have been especially active this last month! 

Toryn Whitehead just launched a new podcast with the British Ecological Society’s climate change group, Beyond the Bear. Give it a listen! : Reflecting on COP28 with Melanie Coath – Beyond The Bear | Podcast on Spotify 

Mia Hadfield-Spoor has had a second article published! –  Food insecurity, disability and age in the UK, is now available online as Open Access (OA) in Public Health Nutrition! You can view the article at



This newsletter is available on the LISS DTP website at: LISS DTP Monthly Newsletter – LISS-DTP       


Items for next newsletter: The LISS DTP team want to do more to help students disseminate information about events/activities they want to share with the rest of the cohort. If you have any items – Information and/or good news – to be included in our monthly newsletter, please send them to for the attention of Cairn Macfarland by the last day of the month to be included in the next newsletter. Be sure to include all details and we’ll include it in our next monthly circular! Newsletters will be sent in the first full working week of every month!