LISS DTP Monthly Newsletters

June 2024



LISS DTP Newsletter      

May 2024      


  1. LISSS TP Summer Symposium Date 
  1. Invitation to the Natural History Museum Student conference 
  1. British Sociological Association’s Phil Strong Prize for doctoral students 
  1. Free training workshop for aspiring doctoral students who identify as Black, Asian and minority ethnic women 
  1. Reactionary Critiques and the Liberal International Order: Reflecting on the failures and promise of International Thought 
  1. Doing IPS, PhD seminar series 2024/25: Call for papers Deadline 8 July 2024   
  1. Imperial Social Scientists: Community Event 
  1. LISS DTP Parent/Carer Group announcements 
  1. LSE Festival: Power and Politics 
  1. PhD Placements in the UK Government’s Open Innovation Team 

Summer is here! 


1.  LISS DTP Summer Research Symposium 

A huge thank you to all of those who attended yesterday’s Summer Research Symposia, we very much enjoyed hearing all about your projects! 

Well done and thank you to all those who presented in both formats! As Well as our Keynote Speaker Professor Samuel Agyei-Mensah! 

And Finally congratulations to our Presentation Competition winners! 

Mathilde Faralli 

Santiago Quintero 

Fionna McLauchlan 

Astrid Lund 

We hope that next year will be just as fun and interesting, and look out on the website for a big update on yesterday’s event! 


2. Invitation to the Natural History Museum Student conference. 

With generous contribution from LISS-DTP, we are delighted to host the annual Student conference at the Natural History Museum. The conference is organized by us, the student association, and organized for us, the PhD student carrying out research at the Natural History Museum (NHM). You may be interested to hear about the incredibly diverse research that is going on at the museum, and this year we will welcome Professor Nick Lane from University College London as our keynote speaker.   

The conference will be held at the NHM, in South Kensington, on the 12th and 13th of June, 2024.  

If you would be interested to attend, please email that we can estimate numbers for the event.  A preliminary schedule will follow this invitation in the coming weeks.  

With kind regards, 


3.  British Sociological Association’s Phil Strong Prize for doctoral students 

The British Sociological Association’s Medical Sociology Committees annual Phil Strong prize of £1,200 to support PhD students working to further advance medical sociology is currently open for entries (closing 9th August)! 

Further details of the prize can be found here: 

To enter, complete the Application Form and return as an email attachment to the BSA Office. Alternatively, you can post your application to the address on the Application Form. 

Applications must be submitted to arrive no later than 5pm on Friday, 9 August 2024. Incomplete applications and applications received after this date will not be considered. Applicants must be BSA Members. 

4. Free training workshop for aspiring doctoral students who identify as Black, Asian and minority ethnic women 


This free training workshop for aspiring PhD students who identify as Black, Asian and minority ethnic women will take place at the University of Plymouth on Tuesday 11th June 2024 from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm.  

This workshop is specifically for eligible attendees who are interested in pursuing a PhD in the near future. 

In addition, we are offering transport reimbursement up to £100 and catering.  

Unfortunately, we cannot cover accommodation. There are 25 spaces available.  

Please do not make any travel arrangements until after you receive an email from us offering you a place.   

This workshop will offer two interactive training sessions led by expert instructors on:  

  1. Funding opportunities available to undertake doctoral study  
  1. Writing a research proposal to apply for doctoral study   

Link to register :  




5. Reactionary Critiques and the Liberal International Order: Reflecting on the failures and promise of International Thought 

LISS Funded RCIR Workshop Announcement: “Reactionary Critiques and the Liberal International Order: Reflecting on the failures and promise of International Thought” is scheduled for June 16th, 2024, at CEEISA-ISA Rijeka, Croatia. 


King’s Research Centre in International Relations is thrilled to announce an upcoming workshop titled “Reactionary Critiques and the Liberal International Order: Reflecting on the Failures and Promise of International Thought,” scheduled for June 16th, 2024, at CEEISA-ISA Rijeka, Croatia. 

Members of the “Reactionary Internationale” – Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Khamenei, Bolsonaro, Trump, and Modi – are actively challenging the liberal international order and remaking international norms. Organised by LISS DTP-funded PhD students Matti Spåra and Rhiannon Emm, together with Dr Nicholas Michelsen and Dr Pablo de Orellana from the Department of War Studies Research Centre in International Relations (RCIR), this workshop will delve into how these reactionaries draw from established traditions of international theory, such as Realism, Decolonial and Global IR, as well as innovating and transgressing the IR disciplinary mainstream. We investigate how they have developed populist styles of communication for reaching global publics, and how everyday spaces are central to their critiques. This workshop will bring together leading IR scholars to explore the epistemological, methodological, and political implications of reactionary critique. The workshop seeks to advance the evolution of IR scholarship by examining this “darker side of critique” and invites participants to critically assess the limitations and possibilities of IR scholarship. 


The RCIR-led workshop will explore various themes, including the theoretical foundations of reactionary critiques, case studies examining critiques presented by influential actors such as Putin, the implications of reactionary thought for global order, and its impact on international relations theory. 

Furthermore, the RCIR is excited to announce that there will be an event later in the year to discuss the findings and insights from the workshop. 

Stay tuned for more updates and details regarding the workshop and the subsequent event on Reactionary Critiques and the Liberal International Order. 



6. Doing IPS, PhD seminar series 2024/25: Call for papers Deadline 8 July 2024 

Into its 7th year, the ‘Doing IPS’ PhD Seminar Series introduces graduate students to research inspired by International Political Sociology’s (IPS) commitment to challenge methodological and conceptual assumptions in their research disciplines, and ask new questions about transdisciplinary modes of inquiry. It will address the need for doctoral candidates to have a forum dedicated to IPS where they can:  

(1) present their work and receive feedback from peers and senior academics in the field;  

(2) engage with contemporary IPS research designs and debates; and  

(3) develop transdisciplinary and cross-institutional relationships with a view to facilitating further discussions and collaborations around common research themes. Lastly, the series will strengthen the analysis and evaluation skills of early career researchers. 

Doing IPS Seminar Series – Programme and Structure  

The series runs over a period of 10 months starting from September usually meeting on the last Friday of each month for two hours in the afternoon. The seminars will rotate between the three host institutions (King’s College London, Queen Mary University of London, and London School of Economics and Political Science), and will take place in-person. Although discussants are also able to join online. 

For more information on all specifics please click here

Please send your application to The deadline for applications is Monday 8th July 2024 at 12pm BST. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 2 August 2024. 


7. Imperial Social Scientists: Community Event 

Are you a PhD or Early Career Researcher in the social sciences? 

Want to connect with other social scientists across Imperial, reflect on being a social scientist in a STEMM setting, and enjoy some great food? 

When? Monday 10th June 2024, 11:00 – 14:00 

Where? HXLY 341 (Huxley Building Level 3, South Kensington Campus) 

What? We are lucky to be joined by Dr. Stephen Webster, who will be providing some reflections and insights about navigating a social science identity in a STEMM institution. Refreshments and lunch will be provided, and an opportunity to collaborate with other PhD and Early Career researchers through both guided and informal interactive activities. 

Who? Anyone who is either a PhD or Early Career Researcher undertaking a project that broadly fits under the ‘social sciences’ umbrella. 

Why? Being a social scientist in a STEM institution has many unique benefits, but it can be isolating with so few of us across the institution. We are forced to push the boundaries of our identities as researchers, as we question the ‘divide’ between the natural and the social sciences. Part of that work, of course, includes showing the importance of the social sciences to Imperial’s success as a STEM innovator. The aim of this event is to bring us together to form a community of early career social scientists across Imperial, so that we can make connections with one another, reflect on the relationship between the natural and the social sciences, and discuss together our research questions. 

How? If you are interested and would like to attend, please complete this signup form   


8.LISS DTP Parent/Carer Group announcements 

Time-Saving Tech Workshop  

Description: The LISS-DTP sported Parents/Carers Group will host a series of 5 online workshops to introduce participants to research-focused time-saving software such as Zotero, NVivo, and mind-mapping tools. Each session will be part demonstration (~1 hour) and part Q&A / troubleshooting (~30 minutes).  

Dates: Third Thursday of each month, March – July 2024.  

Participants: Maximum of 12 participants. Preference to be given to LISS-DTP students who are parents/carers.  

Please sign up here: 


9.  LSE Festival: Power and Politics 

The LSE Festival which is taking place from Monday 10 to Saturday 15 June 2024, will explore how power and politics shape our world. It is free and open to all, and tickets will be released next Monday 13 May. There are some really interesting sessions so would recommend looking at their online programme: LSE Festival  


10. LISS DTP Achievements! 

Leah Hillari has recently published a study related to their PhD on the biopsychosocial determinants of healthy ageing titled “Systemic inflammation, lifestyle behaviours and dementia: A 10-year follow-up investigation”. 

The study found a longitudinal association between lifestyle behaviours and dementia. However, this association was not, as expected,  mediated by systemic inflammation. While lifestyle behaviours were linked to subsequent inflammation levels, increased inflammation levels were not linked to a higher incidence of dementia and did not mediate the association between lifestyle and dementia risk.  

These findings underscrore the importance of modifying unhealthy lifestyle behaviour for the prevention of dementia and the reduction of systemic inflammation, a desirable outcome linked to reduced risk of chronic disease, frailty, and premature death.  

Please find the link to it here: 




This newsletter is available on the LISS DTP website at: LISS DTP Monthly Newsletter – LISS-DTP       


Items for next newsletter: The LISS DTP team want to do more to help students disseminate information about events/activities they want to share with the rest of the cohort. If you have any items – Information and/or good news – to be included in our monthly newsletter, please send them to for the attention of Cairn Macfarland by the last day of the month to be included in the next newsletter. Be sure to include all details and we’ll include it in our next monthly circular! Newsletters will be sent in the first full working week of every month!