Thesis title:
Science-Policy Interfaces and Risk Governance in International Environmental Law
Mara is a PhD candidate at the Law School of King’s College London. Her research focuses on international environmental law and law of the sea, looking at how risk and uncertainties related to environmental threats are interpreted in both natural science and law. Centred around the science-policy interfaces of multinational environmental agreements, Mara’s research evaluates the risk governance undertaken by these forums and the dynamics of these interdisciplinary interfaces. She holds a BSc in Earth and Environmental Sciences and an LLM in Environmental Law and Law of the Sea from the Utrecht University and an MSc in Marine Systems and Policies from the University of Edinburgh.
Social media:
Linkedin –
Twitter – @MaraWendebourg
First supervisor:
Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli
9- Political Ecology, Energy & Environmental Health
Wendebourg MR, ‘Southern Ocean Fishery Management – Is CCAMLR Addressing the Challenges posed by Climate Change’ (2020) 118 Marine Policy Wendebourg MR, ‘SCIENCE ADVICE AND GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE: EXPERT INSTITUTIONS AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL TREATIES by Pia M. Kohler Published by Anthem Press, 2019, 226 pp.,£ 80.00, hardback’ (2020) RECIEL