LISS DTP Monthly Newsletters

October 2021


  1. Welcome to academic year 2021-2022
  2. Training Needs Analysis for LISS students
  3. Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) applications
  4. Upcoming workshop on public engagement (limited spaces)
  5. LISS training courses
  6. Upcoming workshop on PhD vivas
  7. Have items for our next Newsletter?


  1. Welcome to academic year 2021-2022

The LISS management team, led by Professor Magnus Ryner, welcomes all students, new and returning, to the new academic year.  We hope it’s a stimulating and successful year for all, and we are keen to receive your feedback throughout.

Remember to visit our website for support on managing your studentship and to email the LISS DTP Team ( if you need support!

  1. Training Needs Analysis

Returning students and new students, along with their supervisors, should have received emails from the LISS team over the last couple of weeks to return their completed Training Needs Analysis (TNA) forms for 2021-22.  It is important that these forms are returned, not only to satisfy ESRC requirements, but also because applications for funds such as the Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) cannot be approved without a completed TNA form for the current academic year.

If you have not received an email in the last two weeks with the TNA form to complete, please contact urgently to let us know.

The deadlines for return of these forms are 8th October for returning students, and 19th October for new 2021-22 students.



  1. Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) – how to access


Reminder: make use of your Research Training Support Grant! Every funded student has access to up to £750 per year to support research costs and additional training. Funded students are eligible to apply for the Research Training Support Grant funds (RTSG) through the LISS DTP website.  This allowance is intended to be used to pay for expenses which you and your supervisor deem to be in direct support of your research. For full details and application form please see the “Current Students” section of the LISS DTP website:

Next application deadline: 4th October (TODAY) – apply now if you need to access your RTSG!

Eligible Expenses (non-exhaustive):

  • UK fieldwork expenses
  • UK, EU and overseas conferences, training courses and summer schools
  • language training courses usually undertaken in the UK prior to an overseas fieldwork trip
  • reimbursement of interpreters, guides, assistants, participants
  • survey costs eg printing, stationery, telephone calls
  • purchase of small items of equipment eg cameras, recorders, films,
  • gifts for local informants
  • books and other reading material not available through libraries


  1. LISS DTP Workshop: ‘’I am an early career researcher - why should I care about public engagement?’’

Friday 22nd October between 10:00 – 12 Noon (maximum number of participants: 15)

The session will be run using MS Teams

Session Summary: 

It is now widely recognised by universities and research institutes that public engagement can strengthen the relevance, accountability, and transparency of research, creating that sought-after ‘impact’. However, engaging the public outside of your research sphere as an Early Career Researcher (ECR) may be perceived as taking valuable time from activities which can better help develop the ECRs’ career prospects. Public engagement may seem to be a challenging and a consuming endeavour, difficult to fit around a busy schedule, unless the benefits obtained from undertaking public engagement outweigh the burden. The good news is that they certainly do! There are many benefits to be gained from positively engaging with cross-sector publics which will directly benefit ECRs.  This session aims to improve ECRs public engagement practice by exploring different aspects of public engagement, highlighting the benefits of conducting public engagement and learning from best practice.


Dr Diana Varaden is an ESRC Research Fellow and the Public Engagement Coordinator for the NIHR-HPRU Environmental Exposures and Health at Imperial College London. Diana has multidisciplinary skills in the fields of air pollution and social science. She is interested in interdisciplinary work bridging natural science, social and health disciplines and in identifying the benefits of involving lay individuals in the research process.

This session is aimed at Early Career Researchers who want to know more about the benefits, values, purposes, and different types of public engagement. This session is not aimed at experienced engagement practitioners.

This workshop has 15 places available. Register your interest via this Online Form by Friday 15th October. Places will be offered on a first come first served basis. The MS Teams link will be shared with participants on Monday 18th October.

  1.  LISS Core and Advanced Methods Training Courses – Book now!


LISS DTP Core and Advanced Methods – Autumn Term

Click on a course title below to view outline and registration link

LISS001 Research Design & Project Evaluation

LISS001b Research Ethics Your Doctoral Project King’s Students only

LISS002 Reviewing the Literature

LISS003 Philosophy of Social Science

LISS007 Conversation Analysis

LISS232 Qualitative Data Analysis – running twice this term

LISS235 Ethnography in Health Research – Reading Group

LISS238 Social Network Analysis– November 2021 course dates TBA

LISS336 Security, Ethnography & Discourse

LISS352 Introduction to Law & Society  *NEW*

LISS398 High Risk Fieldwork: A Practical Guide *NEW*

Questions? Visit our Training FAQ on the LISS DTP Training Page or e-mail us at



  1. The Science Viva Workshop

On Friday 15th October, 9.30am-4.30pmDr Stacey Bedwell and Dr Isabelle Butcher will be running a Science Viva Workshop, aimed at all UK PhD students in the sciences.

The workshop is not affiliated to any University, all are welcome.  The session will be run using Zoom.

Please see link here for further details

Have items for our next Newsletter?

The LISS DTP want to do more to help students share information about events/activities they want to share with the rest of the cohort. If you have any items – Information and/or good news – to be included in our monthly newsletter, please send them to this email address for the attention of Stephen Wadsworth by the final day of the month (so by 30th October for the next) with all the details and we’ll include it in our monthly circular! Newsletters will be sent in the first week of every month!