LISS DTP Monthly Newsletters

July 2021


  1. COVID-19 Studentship Extensions: Students with a Funding End date of 1st September 2021 – 31st March 2022
  2. New LISS DTP Research Assistant Internships – Apply by 2nd August 2021 and receive a funding extension of up to 13 weeks

– and- Zinc Innovation Internships – Apply by 6th August

  1. ESRC Student Survey 2021 – share your feedback by 30th July 2021
  2. Future Leaders Programme with Skillfluence (6-week Masterclass for LISS DTP Researchers) – Register by 6th August 2021
  3. New LISS DTP Website Coming! – update your profile and share your updated research titles and abstracts
  4. LISS DTP Student Spotlight – share your research and get featured on our website and newsletter
  5. NCRM Training Opportunities


  1. COVID-19 Studentship Extensions: Students with a Funding End date of 1st September 2021 – 31st March 2022

The LISS DTP has implemented an application process (referred to as ‘Phase 3’) in line with UKRI’s recent update to further support doctoral students affected by COVID-19, to support funded extensions for LISS DTP-funded students. Applications will be considered in six-month periods and the LISS DTP will contact students and their supervisors within 6 months of their funding end date to invite them to submit an application for a funded extension request.

This current round of applications is for students with a funding end date between 1st September 2021 and 31st March 2022. The deadline for applications is 26 July 2021.

Please read the information on the LISS DTP website at  where you will find a link to the application form. No other students will be considered in this round:  further rounds of applications will be opened for subsequent six month periods.

  1. New LISS DTP Research Assistant Internships – Apply by 2nd August 2021 and receive a funding extension of up to 13 weeks

We are pleased to announce that we have confirmed additional Research Assistant Internship opportunities for LISS DTP funded students starting later this summer or in October. Our Research Assistant internship Scheme enable LISS DTP funded students to work as Research Assistants for a period of up to 13 weeks full-time (or part-time equivalent) with an academic based at King’s, Queen Mary or Imperial. Interns will benefit from, for example: working with a larger team of researchers, gaining academic writing practice, training in research methods, networking and dissemination, collaboration with external partners.  Interns continue to receive their usual stipend payment for the duration of the internship and payments are extended by the relevant number of weeks at the end of the original funding end date.

Details of the seven internship projects can be found at If you are interested please get in touch with the person named as Contact.  The Contact is responsible for selecting the student to take up the internship.  If you are selected, the you must then apply for an internship extension via the form at in order to show that you have obtained the agreement of your supervisor and so that the appropriate changes to your funding records can be made.

Zinc Innovation Internships 2021-22

Zinc builds brand-new companies from scratch to develop products and services that respond to urgent societal challenges. Zinc are looking for ambitious PhD students from a range of academic backgrounds, who are passionate about one or more of their missions to: improve mental health; enhance the quality of later life; and unlock new life chances for people affected by automation and globalisation. They are particularly interested in recruiting students with an interest in their current mission focus on improving mental health for children and young people.

You can read more about this opportunityhere. Applications can be made here, with a closing date of Friday 6th August.

To apply to Zinc, you’ll need a short CV and a 2-page (~800 word) cover letter explaining why you’re interested in working with them. Once you’ve submitted these, Zinc will also ask you to submit a 2-minute video telling them a bit more about how an Innovation Internship with Zinc will support your longer-term career goals. Full details are on the application page, but if you need more information or to chat to us before applying, please email

You might also find it useful to watch some or all of the recording here of an introduction to Innovation Internships programme, which includes thoughts and reflections from two current PhD students who have recently worked with Zinc and their ventures.

If successful in your application to Zinc, you must also complete the LISS DTP’s Internship Application Form in line with our normal processes.

  1. ESRC Student Survey 2021



ESRC recognise that the student voice is an important factor in monitoring our doctoral training investments.  This survey asks about your experiences of your studentship and is organised in to the following sections:

  • Student details
  • Supervisory arrangements
  • Training and Development
  • Additional Opportunities
  • DTP Support
  • Collaborative / Interdisciplinary Activities
  • Cohort building
  • Facilities
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Future Aspirations

Your responses will be combined with those of others to help inform both ESRC and your Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) / institution about the experience of postgraduate researchers, helping to improve future support.

We recognise that this has been a challenging year for the postgraduate community and that the pandemic has affected students in many ways. However, we have chosen not to include questions specifically on Covid in this survey as we are conscious that this information has been gathered elsewhere. We also recognise that in light of social distancing measures, Covid restrictions and university closures, many students, particularly those in their masters years or the first year of their PhD, may not have had the opportunity to take part in induction exercises in the way that other cohorts have and, as such, may struggle to answer some of the questions in this survey. More broadly we know the pandemic has had a significant impact on the student experience overall and understand the challenges and pressures that this has caused for many students. We have tried to adapt the survey as best as we can to try to accommodate for this.

Many thanks for your participation.

  1. Future Leaders Programme with Skillfluence (6-week Masterclass for LISS DTP Researchers) – Register by 6th August 2021


Register your interest for this course by Friday 6th August: Online Form 

Catch up on the Taster Session: Recording

Calling all LISS DTP researchers!  Whether your career aspirations are to work in academic research or in a public, private or third sector organisation you’ll need the skills to lead and develop others to achieve goals.  Register for the ‘Future Leaders Programme’. This 6-week Future Leaders Programme running in September-October 2021, is designed to equip social science PhD students and early career researchers with the tools, skills and confidence to approach their first leadership role.  Through the Future Leaders programme, participants learn strategy and situational leadership, how to communicate and influence as a leader, how to get the best from a team and individuals to gain buy-in and deliver results.

The workshops will cover/learning outcomes:

  • Introduction to leadership
  • Strategy: leadership vision and values
  • Situational leadership: discover different leadership styles
  • The voice of leadership: communicating and influencing
  • Teams and individuals: How to get the best out of people
  • Methods to approach your first year in a leadership role


This is a 6-week online training programme, with live training modules taking place once week from 09:30 – 13:00 every Thursday from 16th September – 21st October.

How to Register your Interest:

This 6-week course is available to LISS DTP postgraduate and post-doctoral researchers and has a maximum of 16 places available. Please register your interest by completing this short online form by Friday 6th August. Registration is limited to 18 researchers and a waiting list will be available.

  1. New LISS DTP Website Coming! – update your profile and provide us your updated research titles and abstracts

We are currently redesigning our website to make it more user friendly with a refreshed look and content. This is a good opportunity to update the details we have on your student profile to ensure they are included on the new website when it is launched in time for the next academic year. You can submit your student profile updates here.


We are also seeking new images that can be included on our website; please e-mail us if you have any personal photos you would like displayed that might showcase your research activities (perhaps on an OIV, or conducting fieldwork, working in a lab, lecture theatre, classroom, etc).


  1. LISS DTP Student Spotlight – share your research and get featured on our website and newsletter

We would like to showcase your research activities, interests and individual profiles (with perhaps short, brief interviews) of LISS DTP funded students in our newsletter and website! Would you like to be featured or have a suggestion for this space? Please get in touch:

  1. Upcoming NCRM Training Events/Courses

This is a list of upcoming course offerings from the ESRC’s National Centre for Research Methods. LISS students receive reduced registration fees and fees can be funded through the Research Training Support Grant.

–              £30 per person/per training day for online courses

–              £35 per person/per training day for in person courses

For queries on pricing and availability: Contact the NCRM directly

Random Effects Modelling – Advanced Issues

18-19 August

Presenter: Professor Paul Lambert (University of Stirling)

Registration link:

Mediation Analysis Methods

3 September

Presenter: Dr Kevin Ralston (The University of Edinburgh)

Registration link:

Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) for quantitative social researchers

7-8 September

Presenters: Dr Andi Fugard and Dr Enes Duysak (National Centre for Social Research)

Registration link:

Automating map production in QGIS

16-17 September

Presenter: Dr Rob Berry (University of Gloucestershire)

Registration link:

Introducing Institutional Ethnography: An Interdisciplinary Feminist Approach to Social Research

11-12 October

Presenters: Dr Orla Murray (Imperial College London), Dr Liz Ablett (University of Warwick) and Dr Adriana Suarez-Delucchi (University of Bristol)

Registration link:

Survey Sampling

19-20 October

Presenter: Dr Tarek Al Baghal (University of Essex)

Registration link:

Multilevel Modelling: A robust analytical method for randomised controlled educational trials

25-28 October

Presenters: Professor Adetayo Kasim, Dr Akansha Singh, Dr Janelle Wagnild and Dr Ehsan Kharati (Durham University)

Registration link:

Telling Stories with Research: Narratological Methods

8 November

Presenter: Dr Will Slocombe (University of Liverpool)

Registration link:

Using Creative Research Methods

9-10 November

Presenter: Dr Helen Kara

Registration link:

Studying Human-Computer Interaction with Video

10-11 November

Presenter: Dr Stuart Reeves (University of Nottingham)

Registration link:

Introduction to Impact Evaluation

25-26 November

Presenter: Professor Emilia Del Bono and Dr Angus Holford (University of Essex)

Registration link:

Introduction to Spatial Data and Using R as a GIS

7-8 December

Presenter: Dr Nick Bearman (University College London)

Registration link:

Have something you want featured in our newsletter? Write to us!