LISS DTP Monthly Newsletters

August 2022




  1. Student Funding Applications for 2022/23 
  1. ESRC Annual Report Survey 
  1. LISS DTP Induction Day Social Event – 22nd September – REGISTER YOUR ATTENDANCE 
  1. New External Internship Opportunities 
  1. New Conference & Workshop Opportunities 
  1. Disability Services Webinars & Events at KCL 
  1. New Data added to CLOSER Discovery 
  1. Student Profile Updates for the LISS DTP Website 
  1. Student News 
  1. Open Letter from UCU to UKRI on PGR stipend rates 


————————————————————————————————————————————- 1. STUDENT FUNDING APPLICATIONS 2022/23  


All Research and Event Funding and Funding Extension Scheme applications for 2022/2023 are now open. This includes applications for: RTSG, OIV, OSFW, Internships, Student Led Activity Funding, and Pathway Led Activity Funding. The application forms are available through our website and the links below.  

Please note that applications will be reviewed on the first working Monday of January, April, June, and October. LISS DTP reserves the right to limit reviewing out-of-cycle review requests, please plan appropriately and submit your application for funding within the quarterly review periods 

Research & Training Support Grant Application Form 

Overseas Institutional Visit Application Form 

Overseas Fieldwork Funding Application Form 

Internship Extension Application Form 

Student Led Activity Funding Application Form 

Pathway Led Activity Funding Application Form 

 ———————————————————————————————————————————— 2. Reminder: ESRC ANNUAL REPORT SURVEY – deadline 26/08/2022 


In line with ESRC grant conditions for the LISS DTP, we are required to submit an annual report to our funder. Among many things, this report will summarise the impact of the DTP Training Grant and will report on the activities of the DTP and its students between 01/10/2021 – 30/09/2022.  The ESRC is particularly keen to hear about collaborative and international activities, public engagement initiatives and activities which demonstrate the wider impact of the DTP. 

We require ALL LISS DTP-funded students to provide us with any details relating to activities in these areas which we can then include in our Annual Report to the ESRC. 

Thank you to all who have already submitted their response. A reminder to all LISS DTP funded students to please complete the form via the link below by Friday 26th August. 

Student Survey – LISS DTP Annual Report to the ESRC (2021/2022) ( 

———————————————————————————————————————————– 3. LISS DTP INDUCTION DAY SOCIAL EVENT – 22nd SEPTEMBER 


Current LISS DTP students and supervisors are invited to attend a social event that will follow an in-person Induction Day for the incoming cohort of LISS DTP students on Thursday the 22nd of September at Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre. Theis drinks and canapes reception will be held on Coin Street’s rooftop terrace (weather permitting) from 17:15 – 19:00; current LISS DTP students, supervisors, and Pathway Leads are all encouraged to attend the reception so that incoming students will have the opportunity to meet the full LISS DTP community. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Please register your attendance here:  

LISS DTP Induction Day Social Reception Tickets, Thu 22 Sep 2022 at 17:15 | Eventbrite 



A new full-time internship opportunity has been listed on our website: 

External Internship Opportunities – LISS DTP (  

————————————————————————————————————————————- 5. NEW CONFERENCE & WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITIES 


VoYS Standing up for Science Workshop:  

The next VoYS workshop is being held on Friday 16 September 2022 at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Join us and find out how to make your voice heard in public debates about science. Meet researchers who have engaged with the media, learn from respected science journalists, find out how researchers can inform policymakers, and learn how to involve the public in communicating research. 

FREE for STEM and social science early career researchers, trainees, and medical professionals. 

Apply for your free place by 15 August, 17:00. 

MethodsCon: Rethinking the Boundaries of Methods in Health and Social Science Research 

Researchers can now apply to attend MethodsCon – a new in-person event organised by the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM). The event is free and will take place on the 13 – 14 September in Manchester, featuring more than 30 sessions on methods in health and social science research. Attendees will be able to take part in workshops and interactive seminars; hear from a wider variety of experts; and collaborate with researchers from across different sectors, including government, healthcare, the private sector, academia and the charity sector. The theme is ‘Rethinking the boundaries of methods in health and social science research.’  

MethodsCon 2022 ( 

————————————————————————————————————————————- 6.  DISABILITY SERVICES WEBINARS & EVENTS AT KING’S COLLEGE LONDON 

The Centre for Doctoral Studies (CDS) at King’s College London have organised some events to support students; all LISS-funded students at any of the three partner institutions can attend. 

Webinar 1, Understanding Exemptions and Interruptions  

  • Tuesday the 6th of September 2022; 12h30-13h00 online (MS Teams)  

Webinar 2, Doing a PhD with a Disability 

  • Wednesday the 7th of September 2022; 12h30-13h00 online (MS Teams) 

Webinar 3, What’s Reasonable about Reasonable Adjustments? 

  • Thursday the 8th of September 2022; 12h30-13h00 online (MS Teams) 

Webinar 4, Growing Your Support Network as a Disabled Researcher 

  • Friday the 9th of September 2022; 12h30-13h00 online (MS Teams) 

PGR Disability Open Forum Q&A 

  • Monday the 5th of September; 12h00-13h00 online (MS Teams) 
  • The Open Forum Q&A aims to provide a platform for disabled, chronically ill and/or neurodiverse PGRs and faculty to ask stakeholders such as the Disability Services, the Centre for Doctoral Studies, King’s Doctoral Student Association, The Career’s Service and Access King’s about what kinds of support are available to disabled PGRs. It’s also an opportunity to connect disabled PGRs across the College. 
  • We encourage you to submit questions prior to the Q&A to ensure the correct person/service has time to fully engage with it. All questions will be anonymous. Please submit your questions on the Google Form here:  

PGR Disability Meet and Greet, 

Come along to this in-person, fully accessibly event for the opportunity to meet other disabled, chronically ill and/or neurodiverse PhD and faculty. This will be a safe space to share experiences, grow networks, and have a relaxing drink and snack. All disabled, chronically ill and/or neurodiverse PhDs and faculty are welcome! 

Monday 5th of September 17h00-19h00 in person, The Council Room, Strand Campus 

Wednesday the 7th of September, 17h00-19h00 the Jean Hanson room, Guy’s Campus 

If you have any questions please contact Lienkie Diedericks (current PGR and Disability Support Officer in CDS):  

————————————————————————————————————————————7.  NEW DATA ADDED TO CLOSER DISCOVERY   

Researchers can now search and explore new data in CLOSER Discovery – the UK’s most detailed search engine for longitudinal population studies – with the addition of over 12,000 new variables. 

New data added to CLOSER Discovery – CLOSER 




Thank you for your patience as we make our way through a backlog of requests to update student profiles on the LISS DTP website. If you need your profile to be updated urgently due to upcoming applications, please contact us at for the attention of Sarah.  

Going forward, we will be instating a new process for updating student profiles via a time-limited form that will be available to you in the coming academic year. If you have already submitted a request to update your student profile, then you will not need to do so again. The incoming 2022/23 cohort will have a separate process for creating their student profiles.  

We will email the new process to you in the new academic year! 




LISS DTP student Lina Kramer has been appointed President of the King’s Doctoral Student Association (KDSA). Lina is about to start the third year of her PhD in Public Policy Research in the Department of Political Economy at King’s College London. Lina’s research focuses on how artificial intelligence can be used to design and improve tax policy. For this, she developed the AI Government, a deep reinforcement learning framework that allows her to run dynamic simulations and improve political and economic modeling.  As the new KDSA President, she is committed to helping enhance the PhD student experience, foster a vibrant PhD community, and enable all to excel in their research at King’s. Congratulations Lina! Check out Lina’s Twitter and  LinkedIn. 

Constance Schéré has been interviewed for a podcast about her research on marine biology and related topics:  




The UCU has launched an open letter and form to UKRI regarding the rate of stipend payment for Postgraduate Research. Please follow the link to view the open letter or sign the petition.  

PGRs against low pay – open letter to UKRI ( 


This newsletter is available on the LISS DTP website at: LISS DTP Monthly Newsletter – LISS-DTP    


Items for next newsletter: The LISS DTP team want to do more to help students disseminate information about events/activities they want to share with the rest of the cohort. If you have any items – Information and/or good news – to be included in our monthly newsletter, please send them to for the attention of Sarah Kiernan by the last day of the month to be included in the next newsletter. Be sure to include all details and we’ll include it in our next monthly circular! Newsletters will be sent in the first full working week of every month!