Louis Strange

Thesis title: Orientations towards Gender, National Identity and Abortion in the Eighth Amendment Referendum Campaign’s Linguistic Landscape Abstract: Louis’ research, situated within the field of linguistic landscapes (LL), focuses on therecent (and ongoing) debates...

Leoni Schwandt

Thesis title: Beirut Looks – Racial Capital, National Aesthetics, and the Female Body Abstract: Leoni’s study investigates fashion and commercial models’ embodiment of racial and linguistic capital within Beirut’s fashion modelling industry....

Sarah Kirk Browne

Thesis title: 100 Years of Continuity and Change in Spoken British English (CASE project with the British Library) Abstract: Sarah’s collaborative doctoral project will compile a diachronic corpus of sound recordings from the historic holdings of the British...

Matthew Hunt

Thesis title: An experimental and qualitative study on the perception of offensive language Abstract: ‘Swear words’ are included in a subset of language known as ‘offensive language’. They are words which break a historic societal taboo, such...

Annelies Foccaert

Thesis title: A sociolinguistic approach to the identity construction of and medical discourses about women with a late diagnosis of autism. Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder is a pervasive neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by unusuallyrestricted and...
Elvis Coimbra Gomes

Elvis Coimbra Gomes

Thesis title: Normative Orientations in Discourses of Sexuality- and Gender-Themed Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: a Netnographic-Supported Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study Abstract: Although Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is stereotypically associated with...