Liam Arnull

Liam Arnull

Thesis title: Treating Queerness: The Politics and Policy of Conversion ‘Therapy’ in the UK since 1861 Abstract: Little research has been undertaken over queer conversion ‘therapy’ policy in the UK and this research aims to fill this gap. Conversion efforts (physical,...

Sara Calderón

Thesis title: Developing preventative approaches that address the social determinants of type 2 diabetes in high risk populations Abstract: Type 2 diabetes risk and prevalence is highest amongst certain ethnic groups and those of lower socioeconomic status. For...
Jessica Tatchell

Jessica Tatchell

Thesis title: Situating Paternal Effects in Epigenetic Research Abstract: There is a small, but growing, body of life science research that examines the role a father’s physiology and behaviours can have on the genetic expression of his offspring. This research is the...
Nickolas Surawy Stepney

Nickolas Surawy Stepney

Thesis title: Morphine in India: An Ethnographic Study Abstract: India is a country in which a vast quantity of opium is cultivated, and an equally vast quantity of morphine is manufactured. Yet so little of this pain-relieving medication ends up in use in the wards...

Gargie Ahmad

Thesis title: Contextual determinants and participant perspectives on the common mental disorders and access to psychological treatments in UK ethnic minorities: Mixed methods study utilising data from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys (APMS) (a CASE project...

Katya Baker

Thesis title: Subversive, paradoxical, powerful: the eating disordered body online Abstract: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et purus a risus ultrices dapibus. Curabitur sit amet elit quis ipsum tincidunt dapibus vitae ac erat. Integer...
Mia Hadfield-Spoor

Mia Hadfield-Spoor

Thesis title: Food (in)security among disabled people in the UK Abstract: Vulnerability to food insecurity among disabled people is a growing concern, even more so in the last few months due to Covid19. Compared to UK national statistics, disabled people were over...

Blessing Taiwo

Thesis title: Social institutions of local markets to drive dietary changes in at-risk communities Abstract: Markets are community health assets where traders sell a variety of cheap, fresh produce. Ethnic minorities and economically disadvantaged groups often...

Leonie Mol

Thesis title: Shaping bulimia: an ethnographic analysis Abstract: Leonie’s study seeks to investigate the shaping and conceptualisation of the contemporary bulimic subject. It aims to answer the question: Who and what do we designate in the depiction, treatment,...

Arianna Rotulo

Thesis title: The effects of Fiscal Decentralisation on access to care and healthcare disparities: International evidence and the Italian experience Abstract: Introduction: Fiscal decentralisation consists in the transfer of pooling and spending responsibilities from...