LISS DTP Monthly Newsletters

September 2023



LISS DTP Newsletter      

September 2023      


  1. The UKRI Policy Internships Scheme for 2023/24 STILL open 
  1. Black History Walks 
  1. Student Website Profile Updates 
  1. The Open Review 9th edition: Cover design competition   
  1. National Pupil Database Courses 
  1. LISS DTP Open Forum 
  1. LISS DTP ED&I Forum 
  1. LISS DTP Achievements 


Important Notice: UKRI tax free stipend will increase to £20,622 from October first. More information can be found here

Important Notice All LISS DTP Students should complete this survey by Friday 15th September:  

In line with ESRC grant conditions for the LISS DTP, we are required to submit an annual report to our funder. Among many things, this report will summarise the impact of the DTP Training Grant and will report on the activities of the DTP and its students.  The ESRC is particularly keen to hear about collaborative and international activities. public engagement initiatives and activities which demonstrate the wider impact of the DTP.  

We ask that all LISS DTP-funded students provide us with any details relating to activities in these areas which we can then include in our Annual Report to the ESRC.  


1. The UKRI Policy Internships Scheme for 2023/24 are STILL open 


The scheme provides the opportunity for doctoral students funded by the Research Councils of UKRI to undertake a three-month placement at one of a selected group of highly influential policy organisations. During their internship, the student undertakes training and experience on a policy topic agreed with their host partner that is relevant to both parties.  The intention of the scheme is to embed students in an environment where they can engage with the process of converting research outputs into policy.  These internships equip students with transferable skills and training relevant to the future career paths that the student may choose. 

Full details of how to apply, including links to the online application form and guidance documents are available through the UK Research & Innovation policy internships webpage. 

The Policy Internships Scheme is coordinated by NERC on behalf of the other Research Councils of UKRI. Any queries relating to the application process should be directed to the NERC Talent and Skills team ( or the relevant host partner. 

The deadline for applications is 2 October 2023 16.00 UK time. 


2. Black History Walks Vol. 1 Book Launch by Tony Warner 

Tony Warner, founder of Black History Walks, introduces us to his guide to historic Black sites at Shoe Lane Library. 

September 29th from 17:30 to 18:30 at Shoe Lane Library in the City of London (A short walk from the Strand and accessible by bus from all our campuses) 

King’s College London Libraries & Collections Anti-Racism Community of Practice in partnership with Shoe Lane Library and Black History Walks presents; Black History Walks Vol 1 Book Launch by Tony Warner. 

We will also hear about Jacaranda Books and their pioneering Twenty in 2020 initiative which published 20 books by 20 Black British authors in one year, an unprecedented feat. 

This event will take place in the library only and will not be broadcast. 


3. LISS DTP Student Website Profile Update form 

Its that time of year again! I’m sure lots of changes may have been made over the Summer, please submit anything that you would like changed on your profile via the form here

The Deadline for submitting changes is Friday the 13th of October. 


4. National Pupil Database Courses 

ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) is supporting the provision of courses on the National Pupil Database to be delivered online this autumn by the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM), and the University College London’s Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO).  

Please share these with relevant contacts and those who might benefit from attending. 

NCRM: Introduction to the NPD 

This one-day course running from 10AM-4PM is suitable for those with no prior knowledge of the NPD or statistical code. There are two dates available to choose from

To register, please visit NCRM: Introduction to National Pupil Database. Sign-ups opening shortly: please email to express interest. 

The National Pupil Database (NPD) is a complex and rich administrative dataset held by the Department for Education covering a plethora of schools and early years data for England.  The NPD is a component dataset of several linked ADR UK-funded datasets, including Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO), Education and Child Health Insights from Linked Data (ECHILD), Data First: Ministry of Justice- Department for Education linked dataset and others.  

5.  The Open Review 9th edition: Cover design competition 

The Open Review (TOR), which is an open access, student-led, peer-reviewed academic journal ran by the South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP) which provides social sciences PGRs with the opportunity to publish their work. They are currently running a competition to find the cover for the 9th edition. 

  • they are accepting original images (e.g., illustrations, paintings, digital art) and/or photos on the theme of “Power” (the entrant must own the rights to the image/photo). 
  • They are accepting entries from everyone, including undergraduate students, postgraduate and doctoral students, members of the general public, etc. Anyone can enter. 
  • There are three prizes to be won of a £100, £50, and £25 shopping voucher. 
  • All entries should be emailed to by the deadline of Friday 29th September, with a brief description of how the image relates to “Power”. 


6. LISS DTP Open Forum 

The next LISS DTP Student Open Forum will be on November 15th at 13:00 please register your attendance, and any questions you may have here

All LISS students are encouraged to attend and calendar invitations will follow registration. 

We hope to see you there!   


7. LISS DTP ED&I Open Forum 

The next LISS DTP Student Open Forum will be on January 25th at 15:30  please register your attendance, and any questions you may have here

All LISS students are encouraged to attend and calendar invitations will follow registration. 

We hope to see you there!   

8.LISS DTP Achievements 

Constance Schere has published another chapter of her PhD in Ecological Indicators. Click here to read it! 

Well done Constance! 



This newsletter is available on the LISS DTP website at: LISS DTP Monthly Newsletter – LISS-DTP       


Items for next newsletter: The LISS DTP team want to do more to help students disseminate information about events/activities they want to share with the rest of the cohort. If you have any items – Information and/or good news – to be included in our monthly newsletter, please send them to for the attention of Cairn Macfarland by the last day of the month to be included in the next newsletter. Be sure to include all details and we’ll include it in our next monthly circular! Newsletters will be sent in the first full working week of every month!