Anna-Sophia Warren

Thesis title: Psychosocial development in gender nonconforming children Abstract: Gender expression refers to the way that children experience and express themselves in a masculine or feminine way, through their interests, friendships and clothing choices (Collaer...
Steven Harry

Steven Harry

Thesis title: Island Metabolisms and the Contested Geographies of Energy Transition: A Relational Comparison Abstract: Climate change has moved energy-society relations centre stage. Socio-political struggles are finding new expression in the geographies of carbon...

Matthew Hunt

Thesis title: An experimental and qualitative study on the perception of offensive language Abstract: ‘Swear words’ are included in a subset of language known as ‘offensive language’. They are words which break a historic societal taboo, such...

Eleni Kalamara

Thesis title: Measuring the aggregate effects of Unconventional Monetary Policies Abstract: In the summer of 2007, the US economy experienced a financial meltdown in which the burst of real estate bubble in conjunction with vast and growing imbalances played a...

Sally King

Thesis title: What counts as a premenstrual symptom? A qualitative critical realist discourse analysis of expert and patient descriptions of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), a highly contested, stigmatised, and gendered diagnosis. Abstract: PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)...

Emma Maun

Thesis title: Longitudinal associations between caregiving, sleep disturbance and health outcomes, among people aged fifty years and older Abstract: Unpaid caregiving by family and friends is crucial for many people needing care and support, in the context of...

Gemma McKenzie

Thesis title: Freebirthing in the UK: A Narrative Study Abstract: This project aims to understand the experiences of people who freebirth their babies in the UK. Freebirth occurs when someone intentionally gives birth without health care professionals present in...
Sarah King (Court-Brown)

Sarah King (Court-Brown)

Thesis title: Mapping Equality in the UK Constitution Abstract: The aim of Sarah’s thesis is to map equality within the UK constitution, against the usual view that equality is not a constitutional principle. The hypothesis behind her research is that equality plays...

Sarah Marks

Thesis title: Women’s experiences of entrepreneurship in the context of East London Abstract: Sarah’s research project will investigate the factors that determine women’s ability to become entrepreneurs and maintain entrepreneurial activity in a...

Liu Lu

Thesis title: Essays on Household Finance Abstract: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et purus a risus ultrices dapibus. Curabitur sit amet elit quis ipsum tincidunt dapibus vitae ac erat. Integer nisl nisi, luctus ut magna sit amet,...

Rosie Riley

Thesis title: Reduce Avoid Protect Support – changing air pollution related behaviour through a smart phone app (RAPSapp) Abstract: The health implications of air pollutants such as particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide are increasingly clear. Before leading...

Sarah Kirk Browne

Thesis title: 100 Years of Continuity and Change in Spoken British English (CASE project with the British Library) Abstract: Sarah’s collaborative doctoral project will compile a diachronic corpus of sound recordings from the historic holdings of the British...